If Your Favorite TV Characters Can Pass, You Can Too

In honor of finishing my freshmen year at Ohio State and not failing any finals (I haven’t gotten my grades yet, but confidence is key right?), I thought my first post back should inspire others still struggling with their exams. Due to the fact that some of our favorite dramas didn’t focus on the school part of college (or started after they graduated), some of the episodes about tests below are high school themed, but they still make the point. So the next time you’re feeling stressed, take a study break and spend 42 minutes watching Rory Gilmore or Pacey Witter get through it all.

If you think that Psychology final is the worst thing you’ve ever studied for, don’t forget about the months and months you spent studying for the SATs. Blair Waldorf was at her best when she was scheming to make sure Nelly Yuki didn’t out-perform her on the SATs, and Chuck paying someone to take the test for him and Serena because Georgia drugged her was also epic. Dawson’s Creek shocked me during their SAT episode with a cheating scandal and the most unlikely of the crew deciding to use the stolen answers.
Gif: http://www.lockerz.com

In case you need a reminder that developing a drug addiction isn’t the way to be successful in college, check out the Beverly Hills, 90210 episodes about David’s drug problem. Your late night campus radio job isn’t worth it people, just study for Calculus.
Gif: http://www.tumblr.com

Speaking of Calculus, One Tree Hill may have decided to skip the college years and go straight to the struggles of being a 20-something trying to find his/her way, but not before Brooke almost failed math in high school. If you’re thinking about cheating your way through your exams, make sure you have a best friend willing to take the fall or a Clean Teens meeting as your cover.
Gif: http://www.fanpop.com

I suggest using the doctors at Seattle Grace’s flashcard and study group methods when they take their intern exams, just make sure you’re not the George O’Malley of the group. A couple of those doctors go on to take their broads together as well, and I promise you their testing experiences will make yours look like a breeze. It will also remind you not to sleep with your best friend right before the test (not that we blame April, have you seen Jackson Avery’s eyes?!).
Gif: http://www.tumblr.com

Every episode of Gilmore Girls features Rory studying or at least reading (until the Logan years at least), so you can’t really go wrong with a Gilmore Girls study break to inspire you. Additionally, the last episode of season 4 features Rory packing up her stuff and giving Yale a farewell for the summer. Watch this one when you’re unmotivated to pack up your dorm and take a cue from our favorite student and drink while you do it.
Gif: http://www.tumblr.com

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